Tuesday 12 May 2009

Heartland is coming! Heartland is coming! I'm not nearly as freaked as I was. I forget I have friends in high places. Av and I decided to keep the tent for one more year and get a better air mattress and some new tarps instead. I think we have an idea for a topper for the bed frame that may hold a larger mattress so the three of us can share more comfortably. But the backup plan is to have Sheila's tent and matress for backup. Or for me having a snit. Whatever. Last GGG I put down the plywood and carpet from the back of Av's truck and that kept things from getting too mushy underfoot. I'm also thinking of checking out some discount places this Saturday to find a carpet for the booth to help it look nice and keep down the mud if there is any. But there won't be! I'm asking for nice weather. It can be cool, and it can be warm, but not cold and rainy, or warm and rainy, or rainy of any sort! There's nothing wrong with a light shower now and then, but no constant downpours! Pretty please? Heartland should be fun, not a chore.

Getting ready to camp for 6 days is easy, deciding what I want to take to work on is going to be hard. Do I take yarn or beads or both? What sort of project? socks? scarves? shawl? simple bead patterns or involved stringing stuff? ARG! It'll take forever to decide and I'll change my mind a dozen times. I better start deciding tonight.

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