Wednesday 27 May 2009

Heartland 2009

I think we are all still recovering. I'm still sore and achy myself.I had a good festival. The weather was great for once. I actually sold some stuff (I have beadwork and handknits). There was no drama in our camp or even at our end of the Ridge, which was awesome. Since we camped where we vended, there was much more time for relaxing and doing nothing. We apparently had one of the shadiest places in Merchant's circle, so even when it got hot, it wasn't too bad in our booth. The neighbors to our East had the cutiest Chihuahua mix that was only our friend when we fed her. John and Rain and Greg were on our West and didn't bite us, either. Only went to the main fire a couple of times, and spent an enjoyable evening watching my friend Mike try to convince himself to be a bad boy, but he turned to the light side of the Force at the last minute. :-)

Went to a couple of workshops, one on using psychotropic drugs for shamanic journeying, but I didn't stay for the whole thing. The guided meditation made me grumpy. The second one was about Otherkin, or people (like me) who believe we are somehow not human or have souls or part of our souls that are not human. The presenter, Lupa, knew her stuff and Av and I were pretty impressed. The same presenter and her husband gave a workshop on Kink Magic or how to use BDSM to obtain altered states for magical work. It was an advanced version of both topics, in other words, if you have never done BDSM or High Magic, then don't try this at home, kids. I thought it was good, but other people were weirded out by the examples and the heavy edge play nature of the subject. But then again, I am The Evil Dark Faerie for a reason.

Made contact with old friends and generally had a good time.

And I almost forgot Flannigans Right Hook! They kicked festival butt!

This was one of my top 5 Heartlands ever.

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